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ProdAction has delivered custom exhibition stands and booths of varying sizes and complexity throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Al Mashael, 7173 السلطانيه، 2942, Riyadh 14326 94041 Saudi Arabia

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Project Details

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Screenshot 2024-01-25 095341
Screenshot 2024-01-25 095328


ProdAction is very proud to create this exhibition with exceptional images and installations

We were delighted to collaborate with Sadu on the six-day Saudi Arda exhibition in Safat Square. The goal of the exhibition was to create a sensory experience by merging historical content with the present and using a visually captivating desert-inspired theme. This exhibition, supported by the Ministry of Culture, highlights the Ministry’s ongoing commitment to highlighting the ancient history of Saudi Arda and promoting the importance of Saudi identity for future generations.


Open Project